
JPI News

The Jerusalem Peace Institute (JPI) Announcing a Directory of 50 Peacebuilding Groups in Palestine/Israel

At a time when peace is absent, there are those who advocate daily for positive change in both societies and in such relations. They belong to peacebuilding organizations that are engaged in a wide variety of initiatives ranging from educating for peace, mediation and conflict transformation, and reconciliation to human security, gender equality, and human rights, justice, and legal aid. The Jerusalem Peace Institute is proud to issue the Directory of Palestinian, Israeli, and Palestinian-Israeli Peacebuilding Group. This directory contains basic data on 50 peacebuilding entities. The data, taken from each organization’s website, is arranged in a similar way: name of organization (and the year it was founded), contact information, mission, vision, activities, and awards. The hope is that those using the directory will benefit from it by learning about peacebuilding in Palestine and Israel, connecting with some of the peacebuilding entities, and being inspired enough to become personally engaged and or contribute toward the success of peacebuilding.

To view directory

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