
Planned Gifts

Dear Friends of Jerusalem and the Jerusalem Peace Institute,

The Jerusalem Peace Institute (JPI) highlights Jerusalem as humanity’s shared gift governed by two peoples and cherished by three faiths, and its centrality for a just peace through advocacy, programs, activities, interdisciplinary research, and publications.


JPI envisions Jerusalem as a shared gift for humanity; as truly central to the three monotheistic faith traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; its soul and spirit embrace all of them, equally; and as essential for justice, peace, and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians and in the world. Moreover, JPI holds that Jerusalem’s inhabitants should be living a dignified life, in peace and equality, with the ability to freely pursue and develop their daily lives, including housing, jobs, education, medical care, municipal services, religious sites, and cultural activities. This is ensured when Jerusalem’s inhabitants have basic human rights and legal protection according to international law, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and UN resolutions.


As friends of Jerusalem and the Jerusalem Peace Institute, we kindly request your financial support. That will enable us to realize the JPI mission and fulfill its vision through our work on several strategic goals. With your assistance, we can bring increased awareness about Jerusalem’s central role and the need to address its status in accordance with UN resolutions and international law and consistent with the basic principles of equality and justice. We can help establish the necessary mechanisms in Jerusalem toward better housing, jobs, education, medical care, and cultural activities, just to name a few. We can seek organizational partnerships and engagements at all levels in support of Jerusalem and its inhabitants.


Your generosity can go on well into the future by benefiting the inhabitants of Jerusalem and those seeking peace in the Holy City and beyond. JPI’s Planned Giving Committee will work with you and will personally discuss with you the approach that works best for you and the details of the benefits you receive from participation as a JPI Planned Gift donor.

Thank you again for your consideration and assistance.

Warmest regards,

Dr. Saliba Sarsar

President / CEO, JPI



Planned gifts include a variety of ways that assets can be given to JPI in support of its peace initiatives in Jerusalem and beyond.

Planned gifts usually involve financial or estate planning and are created to fit the individual’s situation. Planned gifts are a means through which anyone concerned about the wise use of their resources can determine that their life’s interests will be respected in the future.

JPI can assist in determining the best vehicle to meet your individual situation and will work with you to ensure your wishes are honored in perpetuity.

Planned Gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Some examples of a Planned Gift

  1. A Will Bequest: Perhaps the easiest way to make a gift for the future, naming JPI in your will can help provide peace for future generations in Jerusalem and the Holy Land.
  2. Life Insurance and Retirement Accounts: You can create a new insurance policy naming JPI as beneficiary. You can also make JPI the owner of an existing policy. Your Retirement Account remainder value can be heavily taxed when left to friends and family but can pass tax-free to JPI upon your death.
  3. A Life Income Gift: These types of gifts provide you or your designated beneficiary income for life in exchange of your gift.
  4. Pooled Income Fund: Funds are pooled with other gifts and invested in a professionally managed investment portfolio guaranteeing the donor an income for their lifetime.
  5. Charitable Remainder Trust: Provides tax-deductible income for life from the asset given, including real estate as well as relief from capital gains tax and a possible reduction in estate taxes.
  6. Charitable Lead Trust: Enables you to transfer assets to JPI that will pay an income to JPI for a set period of time. At the end of the period, the principal returns to you or others that you name.
  7. Charitable Gift Annuity: A charitable gift annuity is like a pooled income fund.
  8. Savings and Brokerage Accounts: You can rename a savings or stock account so that what is remaining in the account at the time of your death transfers automatically to JPI.
  9. Gifts of Special Assets: Real estate or securities can be the source of your gift to JPI.
  10. Charitable Life Estate Contracts: Let you deed your home, vacation home, condominium, or other property to JPI and retain the right to live on the property and/or receive income from the property for as long as you live. You receive an income tax deduction when the property is deeded to JPI and normally avoid any capital gains taxes when making the transfer. Your inheritance and real estate taxes may be reduced at the time of your death.